How Hendor takes care of future generations

The surface finishing industry has to become more sustainable. That is evident to Hendor. Current habits and processes do not serve our planet any longer. They require smart technology for future generations. 

Discover our next generation pumps and filters
> HE filtration systems
> MXH horizontal centrifugal pumps

Roadmap to a greener industry

Transforming the industry into a more sustainable environment will take time. Fundamental aspects should be replaced by greener alternatives, involving less environmental impact. In order to be fully efficient, changes must be applied at different levels: industry level, product level, and human level. All levels affect each other like a vicious cycle. Therefore, collaboration between each level of the industrial chain is essential. 

Hendor takes part in the transition of the surface finishing industry based on the following principles:
-    Underpinning & creating awareness for the need of a greener industry.
-    Focusing on product innovation, creating optimal continuation for our customers.
-    Contributing to a healthy environment for future generations. 

Our contribution

Chemical pumps and filters have an effect on energy consumption, raw materials use, and waste. As a designer and manufacturer of these products, Hendor is part of the first, most fundamental links in the industry circle. Actions from this group influence other parts of the chain. Aware of this influence, Hendor operates taking our own production, as well as the use of our products by our customers into account. 

Smart technology

At Hendor, we keep a close eye on our production processes, making sure the environmental impact is limited. We reduce our waste material by recycling, and lower the carbon footprint by investing in our own energy supply (solar panels) and fully switch to LED lighting at our headquarters. Moreover, we have reduced the number of transport movements through combination and optimization of deliveries by suppliers.

With regards to our product design, customer needs are put first. However, Hendor takes it a step further. Special attention and care go into increasing use- and maintenance friendliness in order to reduce labor costs. Quality and longevity prevent production downtime. For sustainability purposes, a great deal of time goes into establishing energy efficiency, carbon reduction, and limiting raw material waste. Examples are the switch in energy level of our electric motors from IE1 to IE3, reduced hydrodynamic waste and filter media consumption, and educating in maintenance. 

For future generations 

Using smart, sustainable solutions, Hendor safeguards the quality of its products and the planet. The greenery around us must absolutely stay green. It starts with awareness and continues with knowledge sharing. Again, across the width of the entire industry. Hendor therefore advocates an open discussion, stimulated by covering sustainability aspects in its content. 

Together we make the industry greener and kinder to the planet. So that the baton can often be passed on to future generations. 

> View the Hendor roadmap for a more sustainable business process.