The future is green
Climate change can’t be ignored anymore. Like any other industry, it is an effect for which the surface finishing industry carries responsibility. Hendor believes our industry has to transition into a more sustainable manufacturing. In order to make that happen, green alternatives for chemical pumps and filters are necessary.
> Discover our new generation filters
Growing environmental impact
In the last few decades, companies massively scaled up their manufacturing capacity as a result of rising consumer demands. Subsequently, requirement for chemical pumps and filters increased accordingly. Effecting a huge increase in energy and raw materials consumption by the machines. The overall effect: a continuously growing environmental impact, which will eventually cause big problems for the industry, directly and indirectly.
As of lately, we have to deal with raw material shortages and rising prices for both energy and raw materials. This isn’t a direct result of growing environmental concerns, but also causes great insecurity at companies. Especially in a time of constantly increasing consumer demands, the circumstances for manufacturing companies are getting more and more distressed. Therefore, now more than ever, is the time to look for more sustainable, green alternatives.
Hendor’s green alternative for the surface finishing industry
Hendor sees it as her duty to contribute to the ‘green transition’ of the industry. It starts with creating awareness, and it continues with developing and providing smart solutions that contribute to becoming more green.
What should companies from the surface finishing industry focus on in order to become more sustainable? In Hendor’s opinion, it is all about energy efficiency and raw material usage. Companies should optimize at component level, making sure that every component is of high quality and the interaction between each component is seamless. High quality components ensure energy efficiency and optimized capacity, which lengthens the total product lifecycle. As a result, in time, less energy, raw materials and filter media will be used. Thus, the environmental impact will be reduced.
Hendor Excellence
On Monday June, 7, Hendor launches the new Hendor Excellence (HE) filters. This filter series is the first of a new generation of products which contributes to the green transition. Leading up to the launch, we will share weekly updates revealing all the new features and benefits for your application.
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